WALTER C. RASMUSSEN, the late Chairman of Northeast Bank, believed that working together, we can make a difference. He believed that getting out in the community was the key. Walter tried to do this every day — listening, understanding, evaluating, and acting as a catalyst to many different situations. A natural leader, Walter combined hard work and discipline with his never-ending faith and admiration for people.
The Rasmussen Family-Northeast Bank Foundation was formed by Belva Rasmussen to carry on the community-building work that Walter Rasmussen believed in so strongly.
The Rasmussen Family-Northeast Bank Foundation is committed to making a difference by supporting education, housing, cultural, environmental, and health initiatives that strengthen and assist our community.
Charitable Giving Guidelines
The Rasmussen Family-Northeast Bank Foundation will consider requests that:
- Benefit the areas of education, housing, culture, environmental, or health concerns.
- Serve housing needs, particularly those relating to children and families, that encourage self-sufficiency and provide opportunities for the economically disadvantaged to become contributing members of society.
- Encourage youth development through the strengthening of education.
- Promote cost-effective programs that enhance excellence in health care, particularly in cardiac research, treatment, and preventative care.
- Focus on strategies that respond effectively to community needs, with an emphasis on those within Hennepin, Ramsey, and Anoka counties.
To request funds from the Rasmussen Family-Northeast Bank Foundation, please send a single page proposal including:
- Amount requested
- Use of the funds
- Total project budget (if applicable)
- A description of how your proposal meets the Rasmussen Family-Northeast Bank Foundation's funding priorities.
Requests are reviewed annually. Requests should be mailed by September 15th to:
Rasmussen Family-Northeast Bank Foundation
Attn: Suzanne Sjoselius
77 Broadway St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Attn: Suzanne Sjoselius
77 Broadway St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
To Donate
The Foundation continues to support its major gift beneficiaries: The Rasmussen Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Neighborhood Health Source, and Eastside Neighborhood Services, as well as other community organizations that support its mission. If you wish to join us in support of these community organizations, your contribution is 100% tax-deductible.
You can make a donation via card or electronic debit here:
If you wish to mail your donation, please send it to:
Rasmussen Family-Northeast Bank Foundation
Attn: Suzanne Sjoselius
77 Broadway St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Attn: Suzanne Sjoselius
77 Broadway St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

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