Please review the updates below to ensure that you are aware of news and information that will affect your usage of Northeast Bank's ACH Origination Service.
The National Automated Clearinghouse Association (NACHA), the governing agency for the ACH payment network, authorized the use of Same-Day ACH payments to improve the speed of its payments. Same-Day ACH capabilities allow originators to initiate an ACH entry and have it become effective on the same day, if time cutoffs are met and the entry meets defined criteria. Same-Day ACH supports Same-Day ACH credit and debit entries up to $1,000,000.
Things to Note
- Northeast Bank offers Same-Day ACH services to authorized Originators for use in special circumstances.
- Approved Originators may send Same-Day ACH transactions in accordance with NACHA specifications during the defined processing windows.
- You only need to sign the Same Day ACH Attachment 1-1 if you are interested in having Same-Day ACH Origination activated for your organization.
- Approved Originators may send Same-Day ACH transactions in accordance with NACHA specifications during the defined processing windows.
- Business Select / SmartPay ACH Originators must submit their Same-Day ACH transaction(s) by 12 Noon Central Time.
- Cash Management ACH Originators enabled for Same-Day ACH can process Same-Day ACH files in one of three Same Day ACH processing windows:
- 1st Same-Day ACH window: 8:00 AM CT cut-off time - Same-Day ACH transactions processed during this window, will be available to recipient by 1:00 PM local time of the receiving bank.
- 2nd Same-Day ACH window: 12 Noon CT cut-off time - Same Day ACH transactions processed during this window, will be available to recipient by 5:00 PM local time of the receiving bank.
- 3rd Same-Day ACH window: 2:15 PM CT cut-off time - Same-Day ACH transactions processed during this window, will be available to recipient by the end of the processing day for the receiving bank.
- 1st Same-Day ACH window: 8:00 AM CT cut-off time - Same-Day ACH transactions processed during this window, will be available to recipient by 1:00 PM local time of the receiving bank.
- If you need assistance with a Same-Day ACH file, please contact Northeast Bank ACH Services at 612-362-3277.
- In accordance with industry best practices, we recommend that ACH Originators send ACH credits two days prior to their Effective Date and ACH debits one day in advance. Northeast Bank offers Same-Day ACH services to authorized Originators for use in special circumstances.
- The daily Cash Management ACH Origination cutoff time for standard transactions is 4:00 PM Central Time.
- When ACH files are processed, all initiated files, whether they are Same-Day ACH files or Future Dated ACH files, will go to a processed status in Cash Management. Cash Management Users will be unable to edit them.
- Our standard Cash Management ACH origination processes will be run three (3) times each day to account for Same Day ACH processing.
- ACH Return Notices and Notifications of Change sent to Originators directly from the Federal Reserve Bank.
- Sent via encrypted email from FedACH Reporter: notification@achedi.com
Where can I get more information?
Please review these documents:
- 2023 ACH Rules Notification
- Meaningful Modernization of the ACH Network - 2021 Rules Supplement
- Same Day ACH FAQ
- Cash Management ACH Agreement
- Cash Management Same Day ACH Addendum
- Smart Pay ACH Agreement
- ACH Quick Reference Card
We will continue to update this FAQ as we get more questions. You can call 612-379-8811 and ask to speak to a Digital Banking team member about Same Day ACH origination and the updates to our ACH origination process.