Northeast Bank

Stay Safe & Outsmart Tech Support Scams

Tech support scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Scammers may contact you directly, impersonating representatives from reputable tech companies. They might even spoof caller IDs to appear legitimate or create fake pop ups on your computer.

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Your partner for the path ahead.

Northeast Bank is a premier independent community bank committed to providing quality products and exceptional service.

Business woman and man looking at a document together.

We’d make a great team.

We’re local entrepreneurs, just like you. Find out how we can help your business.

Woman using mobile chair and petting cat in living room

Personal Digital Banking Services

Simple and seamless access to your accounts with our modern digital banking platform.

Mature couple happily embracing in kitchen, holding coffee cups

Free Spirit Club

Northeast Bank’s Free Spirit Club is tailored expressly to fit the active lifestyle of customers 50 or better. 

A mother holding her child in a kitchen

Personal Checking Accounts

Find your perfect fit. We have a variety of account options suited for each style and stage of life.